On this page, you can download the installer for older versions of SpriteStudio. We only provide the final version of minor versions for Ver.7.
Please note that older versions of the program may not work on the latest operating systems. Also, support has been discontinued for Ver. 5 and 6.
SpriteStudio 7
Ver. 7.3.0
Windows MacOS Release note
Ver. 7.2.4
Windows MacOS Release note
Ver. 7.0.4
Windows MacOS Release note
SpriteStudio ver.6
Ver. 6.6.4
Windows Release Note
Ver. 6.6.0
MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS Mojave(10.14), High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12)
Ver 6.5.2
Windows MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS Mojave(10.14), High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12)
Ver. 6.4.0
Windows MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS Mojave(10.14), High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12)
Ver. 6.3.2
Windows MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS Mojave(10.14), High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12)
Ver. 6.1.3
Windows MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12), El Capitan(10.11)
Ver. 6.0.0
Windows MacOS Release Note
* for MacOS High Sierra(10.13) , Sierra(10.12), El Capitan(10.11)
SpriteStudio 5
If you need the installer for SpriteStudio 5, please specify whether you require the Windows or Mac version and submit your request with the note “Request for Installer” through the form below.
Considerations for Update to Ver.5.8.3
From version 5.8.3, SpriteStudio more strictly differentiates the Windows version for better user support.
As a result, you will possibly fail to activate on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
In order to avoid this issue, please make sure that you deactivate your license before you install the version 5.8.3.
[Deactivate license] can be found in the [Help] -> [GettingStarted]->[Deactivating the license].
Information on SS5Player support for Ver. 5.5 or higher
The animation file format was changed (information for the new features was added) due to the new features added to OPTPiX SpriteStudio Ver.5.5.
Due to this format change, an SS5Player for each platform has been prepared so that the data created with Ver. 5.5 or higher can be loaded and played.
The new effect features are not yet supported. The next version will be released when the effect feature support is available.
Please follow the link below for information on SS5Player support for Ver. 5.5 or higher and update policies.
Download Tools, libraries, samples
SpriteStudio 5 SDK (SS5-SDK)
“SS5-SDK” includes tools and libraries for managing animation data created with “SpriteStudio 5”.
SS5-SDK (GitHub)
SpriteStudio 5 Player for Unreal Engine 4 (SS5PlayerForUE4)
“SS5Player 5 Player for Unreal Engine 4” is an asset to play and manage animation data created with “OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5”.
SpriteStudio 5 Player for Unreal Engine 4 (GitHub)
SpriteStudio 5 Player for Unity (SS5PlayerForUnity)
“SS5PlayerForUnity” is an asset to play and manage animation data created with “OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5”.
SS5PlayerForUnity (GitHub)
SpriteStudio 5 Player for Cocos2d-x (SS5PlayerForCocos2d-x)
“SS5PlayerForCocos2d-x” is an asset to play and manage animation data created with “OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5”.
SS5PlayerForCocos2d-x (GitHub)
SpriteStudioPlayer for Unity (SSPlayerForUnity)
“SSPlayerForUnity” is an asset to play and manage animation data created with “SpriteStudio Ver.4”.
This asset and SSAX file (input file of this asset) will not be updated in the future. Users of “OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5”, please use “SS5PlayerForUnity” (GitHub).
SpriteStudio Player for Cocos2d-x/Corona SDK/HTML5 (SSPlayerForCCH)
“SSPlayerForCCH” is a package of assets and tools to play and manage animation data created with “SpriteStudio Ver.4”.
This asset and SSAX file (input file of this asset) will not be updated in the future. Users of “OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5” with “Cocos2d-x”, please use “SS5Player for Cocos2d-x” (GitHub).
SSPlayerForCCH (GitHub)
Flash To SS (FlashToSS)
“FlashToSS” is a Flash Exporter plug-in for “FlashLite 1.1” to convert Flash assets to animation data which can be edited with “OPTPiX SpriteStudio”.
FlashToSS (GitHub)
TexturePacker To SS (TexturePackerToSS)
“TexturePackerToSS” is a plug-in for “TexturePacker” to export “.ssce file”, that can be managed in “OPTPiX SpriteStudio”.
TexturePackerToSS (GitHub)
SsKeyBindingEditor is a tool that can customize the shortcut key. It can be used in Ver.5.6 or later.
SsKeyBindingEditor (GitHub)
OPTPiX SpriteStudio Sample package
OPTPiX SpriteStudio Effect Sample package
A warning message is displayed in Ver.5.2.0 or later, does not affect the operation. Please see in the release notes “Important Features” for details.

OPTPiX SpriteStudio Effect Samples for Effect feature
Effect samples that was created using the “effect function” that is installed in Ver.5.5.
* If an item of effect does not appear in the category, please check “enable effect feature” on the compatibility of the project setting.
for Ver.5.5.0 |
for Ver.5.5.1 |