Version 6.1.3 Release Note (May 16th, 2018)


  • Project Settings:Enabled mask feature and the attribute in the platform setting of SS6PlayerforUnrealEngine4 v1.2.0.



  • Vertical drag to change key value affects multiple selection.
  • Pushing Ctrl + left-click deselects keys.



  • [mac] Modal window such as mesh editor unintentionally reopens after closing the window caused by openning its child modal window.
  • Collision detection and blending mode in Attribute window go blank when docked LayoutInfo window.
  • Number input box: Hyphen might not be inputtable when the box content is “0”.
  • Response to change the current part degrades.
  • [mac] Floating windows always show on the topmost even when an other application has focus.
  • A window reopens or application crashes after closing the window, when you open a modal window staying some popup boxies or context menus open.


  • In parts tree, current part selection remains when you expand/fold unselected parts by pushing ▼ in the same layer with the current part.


  • [degrade] Bone parts under the child joint part which has a parent joint part cannot affect to the mesh part.
  • Bone parts outside its parent joint part unintentionally affect to the mesh part.

Edit Part Color

  • Window is resizeable by mistake.


  • In Setup, dragging yellow circle on the tip of bone part makes the part enormous.

Mesh Editor

  • Mesh editor window hides behind the main window after closing a warning message dialog and clicking the main window.
  • Pushing delete or backspace key to remove points does not work after range selection.
  • Grid corrupts when you make the grid by entering the number of split over the cell width/height.
  • The position of blue highlighted line which is to be inserted a new point might not be correct.
  • Application freezes or crashes when you move the selected points remained after performing automatic generation keeping the selection.
  • Altering Insert/Pushback method by shortcut key is disabled if a mesh is already made as a grid.


  • Edit Color Blend: Pushing reset button means nothing but resetting rate, however it turns color sample into checkerboard pattern as if it was transparent.
  • Boot: Fixed a problem that activation might fail on the network environment with proxy server.
  • Mesh Rendering: There is a few memory leak.