- In this document, some links mentioned below are underconstruction, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Please be patient and wait for the translation.
For Ver. 5 Users
In Ver. 6, some of attribures and functions have been deprecated. Please see the following for migration from Ver. 5 to Ver. 6.
How to migrate your data into Ver. 6
New Features
- This is the feature that allows you to make your animation more smoothly than vertex deformation by mesh transformation with bone.
- Supports auto weight that simplifies weight adjustment and constraint IK.
- Please see the following for more details.
How to use mesh and bone.
- This is the feature that allows you to crop along the edge of the cell and also to use for cripping.
- This makes it possible to create various expressions.
- Please see the following for more details.
How to use mask.
- Added “Part Color” attribute
- This attribute is a kind of color blend which can perform less computation load with simple operation without any pixel shader code.
- Therefore, there will be the following limitations:
- Mix can only have blend “Rate” but cannot specify alpha.
- In case you chose vertex color, an opacity attribute value works as blend rate because the alpha of vertices must be used as blend rate in draw program.
- Added “X/Y Local Scale” attribute.
- This attribute value is multiplied by inherited value from parent and is never inherited to children.
- This attribute value is multiplied by inherited value from parent and is never inherited to children.
- Added “X/Y Local Opacity” attribute.
- This attribute value always overwrites the inherited value from parent.
- This attribute value always overwrites the inherited value from parent.
Added new three blend operations
- Now you can choose mix, mul, add, sub, alphamul, screen, exclusion and invert.
- Added an option to add the referenced cellmap if it is not found in current project when you import an animation or an effect file.
Select Reference Cell
- Added a cell tag filter to list up only the cells which have the tag. The tag you selected is preserved in each part.
Frame Control
- Added the number of parts contained in current animation left side on the number of frames.
Project Settings
- Added options about premultiplied alpha.
- Shows a name and frame of part which you hover the mouse over. * Multi-byte characters become ‘?’.
- You can hide it on the context menu on Layout.
- Shows the estimated number of draw call on STAS tab.
- The number of draw call simply increases by part’s state change of texture, blending mode and type of part color/color blend operation at each drawing part.
- Added a loop count for animated png.
For more details, see “About Window Function.”
- Source Animation of instance is now changeable even after creating the instance.
- The position and size of floating windows are now saved.
Effect Editor
- Grid size is now changeable.
- Added an option “Reverse Play” to play backwards.
- Current effect filename appears on title bar.
Curve Editor
- Widened the hit range of key and handle.
Color Picker
- Added preset 16 colors.
- Added an option to create a folder with the same name of the project when you create a new project.
- Now the window is resizeable and the position and the size of them are preserved.
Change Reference Image
- When the message “The size of reference image is different than the previous one” popups, always update a cell list when you push Yes or No button and the cancel button was removed due to meaningless.
Select Reference Cell / Curve Editor
- Maximized window state is now preserved.
About SpriteStudio
- Version number is now selectable and copiable.
Multi Animation Preview
- Added options to specify start frame and still animation.
Frame Control
- Asigned accelerator keys on the sub items of “Change Interpolation Type” on context menu.
- Added start/end frame for loop animation.
- In the chart side, pressing left arrow key jumps to the end frame at the zero frame, also pressing right arrow key jumps to the top frame at the end frame.
- Selecting parts with color label which you choose is added on context menu.
- Added referenced image filename on the right side of cell map filename.
- When creating a new file, if there is an existing file with the same name, now you can be back to the file dialog instead of closing the dialog.
- Single quotation mark became unacceptable in animation name for avoiding unexpectable error.
- Warn if there is an existing file with the same name when you rename file.
Project Settings
- Now you can add your own platform settings by custom files as many as you need.
- If the files with “.ss-playersettings” extension in the folder “My Documents(Document in Mac)/SpriteStudio/plugins/player_settings/” exist, SpriteStudio tries to load them and lists them up on the platform list at boot.
- * To make the file, please refer to preset files in “player_settings” folder in the SpriteStudio install folder. (Manual is in preparation)
- Last opened page is now memorized.
- Added a button to apply current settings as the default settings.
- Added an option to not opacify the out of the canvas frame even while playback.
Edit Cell
- Supported scroll(pan) by middle-drag or control + left-drag.
Cell List
- Default cell name is now dictated from cellmap filename.
- Supported cell duplication.
Manage License
- Added a button to copy your serial number to clipboard.
- Shift + left-drag allows you to lock direction along X or Y axis in translation mode, snap by 15 degree unit in rotation mode and preserve aspect ratio in scale mode.
- Improved to touch gizmo’s rotation handle more easily.
Layout / Attribute / Project Settings
- Number of decimals displayed on the information tab in Layout and in the number box in Attribute are uniformed and in addition, it is changeable in misc page in Project Settings.
Layout / Layout Info
- Moved number of IK link from Layout to Layout Info.
- Added an option to expand the target area more over the canvas frame.
- In output image size, ratio value is now automatically recalculated as you change pixel value.(And vice versa)
- Ratio value and “Preserve Aspect Ratio” option state is now preserved.
Other Changes
Effect Editor
- Removed an old format version option.
- Attribute: Changing “Playback target platform” creates an unexpected space in Attribute window.
- Attribute/Curve Editor: After displaying the right-click menu on the interpolation button and selecting an item on Attribute window, clicking on Curve Editor slips through and affects the behind window.
- General: When the application is returned from inactive to active, the position and size of some dialogs are restored to the state at the open.
- General: Resizing, docking and undocking chips off the window caption.
- Export: Open an unrelative folder if the folder does not exist when openning the folder selector.
- Effect Editor: Effect Editor sometimes cannot be opened when the all attributes created for each part are marked.
- Color Blend: Position of color picker invoked from color blend is preserved incompletely.
- Preferences:Pressing reset button in the “Project Default Settings” dialog goes behind the “Preferences” dialog.
- Preferences: Canvas frame size cannot be reset by pressing the reset button in New Project Default Settings.
- Edit Cell: In the range of about 10 pixels from the top of the pivot area, clicking is ignored for some reason.
- Cell List: Command on context menu can be run even when the target cell is not specified.
- Cell List: Change of the item height of cell list in Preferences is not applied instantly when Cell List is in anime list mode.
- Frame Control: Renaming part could chip off the text of the part’s name.
- Frame Control: “Fold/Expand child parts” check mark does not indicate the internal status.
- Frame Control: Shift + left-click does not work as multiple selection after changing current part by pressing arrow key.
- Frame Control: Pasting key can even work to locked parts.
- Frame Control: Playback range can be specified beyond the end frame.
- Frame Control/Layout: Deselecting an active part by control + left-click does not reflect to Layout.
- Project Window: Sorting items does not work after renaming file or animation.
- Project Window: Category tree corrupts when the window shows after loading project with the window hidden.
- Project Window: Once referenced image file grayed, it cannot restore to be ungrayed.
- Project: Crashes when adding .ssce file in the external drive which is different of the one where projet file exists.
- Project: Misses the link to a cell referenced from an effect when you rename the cell or the cellmap including it.
- Project: Warning does not show when you do “Change Reference Image” again after cancelling “Change Reference Image”.
- Project: Warning does not show when you create a new file even if the filename exists already.
- Project: Adding a dependent cellmap by adding an existing .ssae file does not mark the project as modified.
- Project: Double clicking .sspj file happens to open it even while opening the file selector.
- Project: Creating a new file or project in an unwritable folder does not occur a proper error and then the process looks like successful.
- Edit: X/Y size attribute value always becomes one due to not refered from the cell size when the attribute key you add is the first for the part.
- Edit User Data: Caret never appears if the string is empty even when you focus it.
- Layout: Reduced the twitches on the top of Layout occured by loading project and some other causes.
- Layout: Clicking the tabs like information, fps and stats does not give the focus to Layout.
- Layout: Z axis rotation for multiple parts by pressing arrow key sometimes does not work correctly.
- Layout: After selecting a part newly, then move the part by pressing arrow key, a hiccup occurs at fixing the value.
- Layout: Sometimes form of parts corrupts due to incorrect vertex information by drawing parts with color blend or parts color.
Fixes for Mac
- On a sub display, mouse cursor jumps somewhere when drag and drop in number box on Attribute window.
- Project tree corrupts when you create a file via context menu -> New File -> Animation in folder view.
- An exception occurs when a file drag and drop onto a floating window.
- Connection to Web Technology Update fails on a specific OS X version or later.
- Select Reference Cell: Mouse wheel does not work on the window after closed by double-clicking.
- Any operation might be disabled by overlapped modal dialog if there are lack of dependent files of the sspj file while loading a sspj file.
- Rendering: Inputting a multi byte character in “Rrendering Area Expansion” freezes application.
- Make Sprite Sheet: Preview by 25% zoom sometimes occurs an out of memory error.
- The position of context menu and some other controls misaligns when you move the application window from main display to an other display with the DPI different from the main’s one.
- Modal window reopens unnecessarily as the window closed if you ever opened a child modal window on the window by key input.
- [5.8 degrade] In creating a new project file, if your filename contains period, the period and the later characters will be cut out.
Known Issues
- The parts except Normal/Mesh/Mask cannot be target of bounding box when you select by left-drag. (Selection works)