EXEpress 6 Main window

exepress_mainThe window on the right appears when EXEpress 6 starts. EXEpress 6 operations start from here.

[File] menu

file_menuOperations related to the configuration file are performed with the [File] menu.

Initialize settings
Load settings
Loads the configuration file (“*.ini” extension) for creating a self-extracting executable file.
* When the configuration file is dragged and dropped in the EXEpress 6 main window, the same state as when loading the configuration file with this item is achieved.
Saves settings

Saves the settings for creating a self-extracting executable file to a file. The extension is “*.ini.”

Detailed settings

Sets advanced items for creating self-extracting executable files.

Create self-extracting file
Creates a self-extracting executable file. The file specified by [Name of self-extracting executable file to be created] is created when successful.

Close EXEpress 6

[Archive] menu

archive_menuThe archive file (*.cab) necessary for creating self-extracting executable files is created with the [Archive] menu.

Create new archive file
Start “EXEpress Compressor” to create a new archive file.
Browse archive filenames

Specifies the archive file that is the input for creating a self-extracting executable file. EXEpress 6 supports CAB files only.


* When the CAB file is dragged and dropped on the EXEpress 6 main window, the same state as specifying the filename here is achieved.

Specify the self-extracting filename

Specifies the file that is output destination of the created self-extracting executable file. EXEpress 6 supports EXE files only.

[Help] menu

Thehelp_menu [Help] menu displays this help file.


Open OPTPiX Help Center in browser

User registration

userregistrationA user registration key is provided when purchasing EXEpress 6 Pro. Register the key here to use the EXEpress 6 Pro features.

See the following for purchasing EXEpress 6 Pro.

Web Technology Update
Displays the “Web Technology Update” that displays EXEpress 6 update information and information pertaining to Web Technology.
Dsplays the “Version Information”

Main dialog

The main window operates like a dialog box. Click on the button specifying a value to operate.

Name of archive file to make self-extracting.

Specifies the archive file that is the input for creating a self-extracting executable file. EXEpress 6 supports CAB files only. Click on the [Browse] button to browse files from the folder list.


* When the CAB file is dragged and dropped on the EXEpress 6 main window, the same state as specifying the filename here is achieved.

Name of generated self-extracting executable file

Specifies the file that is the output destination of the created self-extracting executable file. EXEpress 6 supports EXE files only. Click on the [Browse] button to browse files from the folder list.

Window title

new style wizardSpecifies the title to be displayed when executing the self-extracting executable file. The text string is customizable.


For example, if “sample installer” is specified, then a display like the one on the right is shown while the self-extracting executable file is running.



Specifies the message to be displayed when executing the self-extracting executable file. The text string is customizable.


For example, when “Installing sample. Press [Next (N)].” is specified, an image like the one in the upper right is displayed while the self-extracting executable file is running.

Copyright information display

Specifies the copyright information to be displayed when executing the self-extracting executable file. The text string is customizable.

This item can be changed only when EXEpress 6 Pro has been purchased and registered.

Detailed settings

Sets advance settings for creating a self-extracting executable file.

Load settings

Loads the configuration file (“*.ini” extension) for creating self-extracting executable files. When the configuration file is dragged and dropped on the EXEpress 6 main window, the same state as specifying a file and clicking on this button is achieved.

Save settings

Saves the configuration information for creating a self-extracting executable file in a file. The extension is “*.ini.”


Creates a self-extracting executable file. The file specified by [Name of self-extracting executable file to be created] is created when successful.

Create archive

Start “EXEpress Compressor” to create a new archive file.

User registration

userregistrationA user registration key is provided when purchasing EXEpress 6 Pro. Register the key here to use the EXEpress 6 Pro features.


See the following for purchasing EXEpress 6 Pro.