Same as Version 5.3.0 (2014/05/20)
Known Issues
- Others: SpriteStudio can not be invoked by double-clicking *.sspj file.
However .sspj file can be loaded as project by double-clicking while SpriteStudio is already available. - Attribute: Number input box can never be empty by any delete key or command, so a digit always remains.
Workaround: Select all the characters in number input box before you input number. - Others: Sub folders don’t appear occasionally when selecting a folder on the file selector opened from “Open Project” command.
- Attribute: Freeze when pushing Instance button.
- Attribute: Freeze when right-clicking on curve editor button.
- Layout: Freeze while loop playback opening fps window with slider synchronization enabled.
- Layout: Initial values of Grid Color and BG Color are wrong to actual appearance.
- Layout: Get an inability to select parts after dragging view point with pushing space bar.
- CurveEditor: Unselected items are marked randomly.
- Instance: Frame value is incorrect in Instance dialog.
- General: Can not fine-tune the position of scroll bar in CurveEditor, SpriteSheetMaker and CellMap.
- General: Some dialogs do not locate properly.
- General: Beeps inappropriately when pushing arrow, tab or any keys.
- Others: Freeze while clicking popup menu rapidly many times.
- Others: May freeze when trying to open projects continuously.
- Others: Freeze rarely during some operations.