Getting Started

Thank you for purchasing OPTPiX SpriteStudio.

This document contains the most recent help information and cautions when using OPTPiX SpriteStudio.

Please read this before using.

Operating Environment

For Operating Environment, please refer to the Download page.

License Activation

After installing OPTPiX SpriteStudio and running it for the first time, the license activation screen is displayed.

Be sure that the computer where it is installed is connected to the Internet.

Next, follow the on-line instructions and enter the serial number to begin the activation process.

After registration completes, the main screen is displayed.

Note:Although there is one license granted for one computer, the license activation process is performed for each user the first time that user starts OPTPiX SpriteStudio.

Sample Animation Data

Samples are saved in the “Samples” folder in the package.

You can check them by starting OPTPiX SpriteStudio and specifying and opening the .sspj files in the subfolders using [File] > [Open Project].


When the Program Does Not Start

An error message is displayed when OPTPiX SpriteStudio cannot be started.

Follow the instructions in the message and check if there is a problem with the Internet connection or with the firewall settings.


Compatibility with SpriteStudio 4

When exporting data compatible with SpriteStudio 4, open [Settings] > [Compatibility] from the [Project] menu, and place a check in:

  • Limit to Ver. 4 Compatibility Features

then click on the [OK] button.

This hides new features that are not compatible and prevents them from being accidentally used.

See “Differences with SpriteStudio4.txt” for information about differences in operation.


Reproducibility of Animation Features

There are some features that cannot be used due to restrictions by the hardware specification of the target device on which development is performed or due to restrictions of the rendering library used for playing animation data.

In particular, the following features probably cannot be reproduced in environments that do not support 3D rendering.

  • Vertex transformation
  • Color blending
  • Calculations methods other than mixing from the α-blending methods

To prevent unintentional use of these restricted features when creating animation data, specify the platform (target) with [Settings] > [Compatibility] in the [Project] menu.

When using a proprietary playback engine, you can turn individual features (attributes) on or off by selecting “Custom.”

Rendering the Vertex Transformation Feature

When using vertex transformation, be aware of the restrictions and specifications of the target device used for development.

OPTPiX SpriteStudio does not prohibit transformation to a concave quadrilateral or a distorted quadrilateral, but the target may impose restrictions or prohibit these. Furthermore, even for normal quadrilaterals, the render results may differ greatly in SpriteStudio and in the target due to differences in the rendering algorithm.

[Important] Deactivating the License

For both Windows and Mac, to uninstall the software and the install it on a difference computer, you must first deactivate the license.

  1. Check that the computer is connected to the Internet.
  2. Select [License Management] from the [Help] menu and click on the [License Deactivation] button.
  3. Close the dialog box and then exit OPTPiX SpriteStudio.
  4. Deactivation is complete when the “Deactivating” is no longer displayed.

Contact user support if an error occurs and deactivation does not complete.


Before uninstalling, read “Deactivating the License”

For Windows

Use Windows Control Panel and follow the procedure below to uninstall.

  1. Select [Add or Remove Programs] from the [Control Panel] in [My Computer].
  2. Select “OPTPiX SpriteStudio” from the list of programs that can be uninstalled.
  3. Click on the [Add/Remove] button.
  4. Click on [OK] when the [Are you sure you want to uninstall?] message appears.

Uninstall completes.

However, new files created by the user are not deleted even if the program is uninstalled. Delete these files in Explorer after uninstalling.

For Mac

Move the SpriteStudio program to the Trash.

The following 3 files are created in the My DocumentsSpriteStudiofolder.

Note: For Mac, this is “DocumentsSpriteStudio.”

  • SsOption.ssop (Environmental Settings Information)
  • SpriteStudio.log (Log File)
  • SsLicenseInfo.dat (Licensing Information)

Delete these files to completely remove information regarding OPTPiX SpriteStudio from your computer.


Web Technology Corp. assumes no liability for the results of operating OPTPiX SpriteStudio.

The copyrights for all OPTPiX SpriteStudio files belong to Web Technology Corp. It is prohibited to modify the copyright holder name in the program.

Contact from this form for information regarding OPTPiX SpriteStudio customization or site licenses.